Let’s get started.
Send us an enquiry through our online form
E: admin@moodpsychology.com.au
P: 04 9168 3021 F: 03 4321 2844
Tuesdays to Thursdays, 10am - 6pm
For new clients looking to book in an initial call to see if working with Darian is the right fit, please fill in the form on the right and include preferred days/times for your call in the message section. There is currently a 2 month wait list and late appointments (5pm and 6pm) only have very limited availability.
70A Sydney Road, Melbourne, Brunswick, VIC, 3056
Please be aware Mood Psychology is not a crisis service. If you require urgent assistance please call:
Emergency Services 000
Lifeline 13 11 14
Crisis Assessment and Treatment services (CAT) :
North West: 1300 874 243
North East: 1300 859 789
Northern: 1300 874 243
Inner West: 1300 874 243
Inner Urban East: 1300 558 862